If you took the full course last year, you may take this refresher course to complete your abuse training requirement this year.
Section 1: Why do we have this requirement?OG Canada is a little different from most accrediting bodies in that we provide General Liability and Abuse insurance for our members.This coverage can be your primary insurance if you work from home, or secondary insurance if you work in a school or learning centre that also provides insurance. If you have listened to the news in the past few years, you will have heard about many abuse scandals in sports, in schools, in residential schools and in churches that have been uncovered. They say that insurance policies are written in blood. Each abuse case that you have seen in the news has involved an insurance company at some point. Because of this, the industry has tightened up regulations pertaining to abuse insurance. This means that OG Canada has been required to instigate policies that dramatically reduce the risk of one of our members having an abuse allegation made against him or her. Last year you completed the full abuse training course. This year you may take this refresher course instead of retaking the training. Next year you will be asked to review the full course again. If you have any questions about the abuse training. Please contact the board of directors - chair@ogtutors.com. |
Section 2: Do you have the current Abuse Policy?The first thing you should do is check to make sure that you have the most current version of our Abuse Policy.Look at the first page of the policy. The date in the bottom right-hand corner should be January 2022. If you don't have this version, you can download the current version from our Policies and Forms page. Or you can download it from the Renewals page if you don't have access to the Policies and Forms page. |
Step 3: Review changes to the policyPlease review the following pages in your policy:Supervision & Pick up pg 22 & 24: Children under the age of 12 (16 in Ontario) must be supervised at all times. This means that they can not wait alone for their parents to pick them up. After the age of 12 (16 in Ontario), your judgment must be used to determine if the child is capable of waiting alone. Children with disabilities or who are struggling with emotional situations that impact their ability to make age-appropriate decisions should never be left alone. Insurance Coverage pg 20 & 66: Contractors who work in schools are not covered by the school's insurance unless explicitly added. Contractors are covered under the OG Canada insurance. In this scenario, they should complete the risk assessment form on pg 66 of the abuse policy and have the school sign off on it. Please file the form permanently with your documents. It does not need to be sent into OG Canada as it will only be needed in the scenario of an abuse insurance claim. Probationary Period pg 31 & 51: The Probationary Period sign off form has changed a few times this year as we respond to feedback, and refine the processes in place. We can not accept probation forms signed by family members in the scenario of a trainee using their own child for a practicum student. At this time, we ask trainees embarking on a practicum with their own child to contact the board directly so that we can agree on a custom solution. |
Step 4: Last StepNow that you have familiarized yourself with the changes to the policy.Please take some time to review the policy. Once you have refamiliarized yourself with it, you are done with your refresher training. Upon renewal, you will be asked to confirm that you have completed this training. Thank you for your time and attention to this requirement. |